Sharanam Mala

Sharanam Mala & Yoga

Joy Heike Wasem offers beautiful paths for evolving insights, joy, trust, peace and deep relaxation.

Her compassion and focus is grounding but also light.

For more information and contact please visit: (also english button)

  • Healing stone coaching leading to individual Mala,
  • Help to find your ready made Mala, with the right tune,
  • The Healing Stone coaching is available in Arillas until 15th of Semptember 2017, or via skype, phone, email.
  • Holistic Yoga Therapy, 1 to 1 (60 / 75 or 90 min.)  including body–mind-soul- breath awareness, sound, emphatic touch, holding space.  Available in Arillas until 15th of September.
  • 30 August Dinnertime at Dharma Hotel  Mala Presentation.












Short vita:

Former Filmmaker started Yoga 2000 (Patrick Broome)

Teacher Training 2010 (Jivamukti Yoga/Patrick Broome/Yogeswari)

2011 Impuls for first Mala, Meditations with the stones.

2014 Anusara Yoga Immersion Lalla und Villas (In Spanda, I have found my key to freedom)

2016 Yogini Temple Training from Chamelie Ardagh, by SimonRita, Dragana

Grounding Paradise