Are you an alternative type?
Alternative therapies in Corfu
Alternative therapies are conveniently named as such because they propose an alternative to mainstream ‘western’ medicine which is generally accepted as the norm.
Acupuncture, however, would not be an ‘alternative’ therapy to a Chinese person, nor to a fast growing number of conscientious people for whom ‘alternative’ therapies are in fact the norm.
These ‘alternative types’ tend to see therapy as a preventative healthy lifestyle practice, rather than a reaction to a symptom seeking for medicine that will only alleviate the symptom at best.
An incredibly vast number of very diverse healing traditions, practices and therapies are bundled under the term ‘alternative’. The common denominator to all alternative therapies, however, could be the fact that they are natural rather than chemical.
Could we perhaps then all agree that natural is more ‘normal’ than ‘alternative’ and what was first apparent as normal might not be so normal after all?

Alternative therapies in Corfu.
Intense natural beauty, potent energies and perhaps an innate willingness of the place itself have contributed to Corfu Island becoming a global pole of attraction for alternative therapists and seekers from within.
In Corfu you can simply tune into the earth’s powerful energy meridians, meditate any way you like while the sun goes down into the ocean or cleanse your energy fields in sacred crystalline waters. You can also tune your chakras, activate your third eye and sing your heart open at the same time during the summer festivals!
It is in fact impressive how a relatively small geographical area like the island of Corfu, has such a large number of alternative therapy providers some of which are local while others come from afar, some are seasonal while others practice here all year round.
Many work from home, others share the hospitality of alternative practice centres, while others even prefer the great outdoors to offer their services and support. In any case, the level of practice is incredibly high and many practitioners have an international reputation.

As you might gather from reading this, a holiday in Corfu can easily be a life changing experience. Perhaps you are uncertain if this is your path or you have clearly heard ‘the call’ and are already looking for accommodation in Corfu.
Green Corfu is the biggest alternative tour operator in Corfu and aims to introduce the world to the evident change that is taking place on this spec of an island that sits on the Earth’s energy grid. Our website will help you tune into who is who and where to find them.
You can also book a wide range of accommodation through that attracts likeminded people and business partners from all over Corfu Island. It is the north western corner of Corfu and the beach front village of Arillas in particular, that is setting the example for change.
In Arillas many people are meditating, practising alternative forms of medicine and contributing to sustainable lifestyles. They are growing organic and paying more attention to what they eat. And it’s not just the newcomers. Local people are also starting to become active and want to have a say in what their future will look like!
Trust is the most important key in all of this.
Trust that you are on the right path, trust that you attracting what is best for you right now and trust that we are all in this together. Even if it is not conscious to us yet, we all know what is best for us.

Green Corfu is supporting change within and on the outside by gathering, communicating and providing all the information you need in one single portal.
We are here for you so do not hesitate to CONTACT US!