Brouklis Taverna
“We only serve what we ourselves eat!”
The Brouklis Grill Taverna is a small establishment in the center of Arillas. This restaurant is not located on the sea front but tucked away in a side street, its sign hidden by vines, grown not for the grapes but for the shade they provide.
Discerning guests don’t look at the menu but ask Dimitris, the owner, what he has today. Special delicacies are stifado, spit roasted lamb, bourdeto, bianco, stuffed pork roll, zucchini balls and a variety of local typical vegetarian dishes that are presented randomly through the days of the week. Many of the dishes are gluten-free!
The recipes, which have been passed down from generation to generation, are a closely kept secret. “We only serve what we ourselves eat”, the owner Dimitris proudly says. He is a polyglot, happily switching between five European languages; “We also speak Greek,” he tells the tourists. If he is not around, you are ushered into the small kitchen, where his mother and sister are busy tending the cooking pots; as she only speaks Greek, you simply point at what you want.
All dishes prepared in our Taverna are made as if you would have had them in a local home!!! Without any particular efforts to make the food look nice but using pure, local ingredients cooked in the way they have been cooked for the previous hundreds of years.