
on 16/04/2018

Cymatics is the study of sound and how it manifests physically through patterns and shapes usually upon a surface of a plate or other thin solid surface like a membrane. Pieces of tiny matter like sand or some other type of light liquid or paste is placed upon a thin surface and through various sound frequencies the tiny parts of matter resonate and take various shapes, sometimes the shapes and patterns that are formed are so fantastical that is hard to believe. Take a look at the video below and see for yourself.



The history of cymatics begins with the observations of resonance by Da Vinci, Galileo, Robert Hook, and aftwards by Ernest Chlandni, he created an experiment using metal plates that were covered in sand and then with the help of a bow, similar to the one used for playing violin he bowed it on the side of the plate and noticed that the sand took various patterns. These patterns are called the “Chlandni patterns” or “Chlandni figures”  you can see some in the image below.


The next person to explore this field, and who coined the term “Cymatics” was Hans Jenny in the 1970s. He published a two volume work, entitled Kymatic and since then the field of Cymatics has slowly begun to develop. The list of ways that Cymatics can be used for has been growing  steadily and science has begun to find many interesting applications. Surprisingly one way that cymatics is being used, involves dolphins!



Our fellow sea friends have long fascinated us and slowly science has been able to decipher their language. It has been suspected that dolphins communicate with one another in a “sono-visual” way. The sounds they emit to one another, carry in them pictures. Researchers who study dolphins have been using Cymatics to decipher their language and produce the first ever “dolphin lexicon”.


The image above was captured by a device called the “Cymascope”, it’s a scientific device that makes sound visible. In the image you can see the image of a man. The picture is what a dolphin saw in one of the experiments they did using cymatics. A man was placed in the water near a dolphin and then they recorded the sounds the dolphin was emitting and then used the cymascope to figure out what type of patterns these sounds made. The image of a man is what came up. The dolphin clearly understood what was in front of him, and for the first time, we could also understand the dolphins “language” or at least part of it for now. Below is a short video about the experiment.



Healing through sound waves has been used for a quite a long time, but only recently has research emerged that proves that healing can be achieved through sound as well. Scientific findings of the healing properties of sound, pop up at an alarming rate. A simple google search of “sound healing research” will give you a staggering number of results. There are numerous researchers and foundations trying to figure out what sound can offer us. You can check out our other blog post related to sound healing here.

Sound waves have been found to accelerate the healing of wounds. Research from the university of Bristol, found that low-intensity ultrasound helped increase the healing time of wounds in diabetic and aged mice by 30 percent.In addition, these findings suggest that this rate of regeneration can be applied to humans as well. Imagine having one of your wounds healed faster than normal, it is mind boggling, and imagine what else their is yet to be found about the regenerative capacities of sound.

It seems that sound healing practitioners have been right all along. Sound helps us in many many ways other than “acoustic” pleasure. Sound really does heal us, as well as nourish our soul.


This was written by Joseph Harry Rapsomanikis. He specializes in digital marketing and assists us with growing our business on the Web. You can connect with him on Facebook, for business, fun, or both!