Yoga poses perfect for the beach
Beach Yoga on Corfu
Yoga in Nature makes your body smile.
Last week I found myself quite drained. I guess we are all at the end of a long and full Summer 2016.
I decided I needed a treat for body and mind.
It was a beautiful calm Corfu morning, as I stepped out onto the beach to embark into some beach Yoga and a swim.
There is nothing more beautiful than practicing Yoga in nature.
Naturally it is good to be out of the wind and strong sunlight, since the body is meant to open up in a good Yoga practice.
Early morning and late afternoon are the traditional times recommended for Yoga.
Based on the five nature elements practicing in nature brings us very close to these.
Earth, as we struggle to find balance on uneven ground.
Air, that surrounds us as we practice our postures.
Fire, that we generate from within through the heat we create by warming the body through movement and breath.
Water, is the flow we create through aligning movement with breath (Vinyasa in Sanskrit).
Space is the sum of all nature elements that we generate between muscles, joints, bones and within our rib cage and organs.
Ultimately we create space in our mind and hearts as we connect with our own self and nature; this is an act of uncluttering the busy mind with simple ‘facts of life’ that is part of the mystery of Yoga.
Yoga defines correct alignment as the act of connecting all relevant body parts evenly.
Five aspects create the magic that Yoga provides:
- Our skeletal alignment underlies the physical law of gravity and resistance. Resistance to the ground creates spinal extension and a lifted poised posture.
Equal weight distribution of the feet creates equal distribution and activation throughout the spine. - The bodies muscular alignment happens through controlled muscle activation and relaxation.
Muscles need to” know” contraction – release – relaxation.
Active Core Muscles strengthen and extend the body centre, thus help us to ‘stand tall’. - “Where the eyes go the body follows.”
The spinal movement and extension follows the eyes.
Our Gaze point, “Drishti” in Sanskrit is leading our movement to a higher place. - The Yoga breath is a focused and yet relaxed activity that besides the taking in of oxygen is also used to distribute energy from the central spine to the extremities.
Breathing can connect the different elements that give structure and alignment to the body. - For structural and energetic alignment you can set an intention for your practice. An intention can be to nurture yourself, to become more flexible, to have fun or to open your heart. Etc.
When we align the physical, structure the breath and the intention we can create inner and outer alignment.
You will immediately feel more invigorated and at peace.
Already ten minutes make a difference when you apply yourself.
This is how to make your body smile:
A Yoga beach practice will make your day.
Yoga is best practiced in the morning or late afternoon evening when the sun is not too hot on the skin.
It is good to find a location out of the wind and the direct sun if it is a hot day.
As Yoga was based on the five nature elements, practicing in nature brings us very close to these.
In a posture practice you will be focussing on five main aspects.
- Standing strength and stability in all your postures.
- Breathing deeply in and out through both nostrils
- Warming the body through movement and breath
- The flow we create through aligning movement with breath (Vinyasa in Sanskrit)
- Space generated in muscles, tissue, bones and within our and organs
Yoga defines correct alignment as the act of connecting all relevant body parts evenly.
It is important to find that balance also in the long summer break and after.
A regular Yoga posture practice certainly can help to keep you connected and in balance.
1. Start with “Mountain pose.
Stand with your feet hip width apart and stretch both hands and arms above your head. Reach up wards, while grounding the feet and drawing the tummy in. Breathe deeply 10 times.
Beach yoga on corfu
The mountain pose
Beach Yoga on Corfu
Warrior pose
2. “Warrior Pose”
Take a large stance and turn your front foot forward while rotating your back foot out to 90 degrees. Bend your front knee to a right angle while the shin remains perpendicular. Ground your back outer heel. Extend your arms out on shoulder level. Gaze ahead. Breathe deeply for 10 breaths now go to the other side.
3. “The boat pose”
Sit on the ground with bend knees. Engage you abdominals by drawing them in. Now simultaneously extend your arms and legs. Point your toes and gaze straight ahead.
Hold this for three to five breaths. Repeat three times.
(Bend your knees bend and keep shins parallel to the ground for an easier version)
Beach yoga on Corfu
The boat pose
Beach yoga on Corfu
The sphinx pose
4.“The Sphinx Pose”
Lay on your tummy. Place your forearms on the ground bringing the elbows in line with the shoulders. Have your feet hip width apart and press down through the tops of the feet.
Engage your abdomen and lift your chest forwards and upwards. Gaze to the centre eyebrow. Keep the lower half of the body firmly grounded, while the torso is arching up. Breathe ten times deeply.
5.“The forward Fold”
Sit on the ground, with your legs extended to the front, feet together. Tuck your sit bones town, so you can feel them on the ground, (if your hamstrings are very tight bend your knees!)
Sit up tall and take a breath as you engage your lower abdomen. Keep your abdomen drawn in as you extend forward. Hold on to your feet or ankles. Keep your gaze ahead. Breathe up to fifteen breaths to allow the back of the legs to extend.
Beach Yoga on Corfu
The forward fold
After completing these postures lay down on the ground, close your eyes and take a few deep breaths to relax your muscles progressively from head to toe.
When you get up say a little thank you to yourself and nature around you.
As we align the physical, structure the breath and the intention we can create inner and outer harmony.You will immediately feel more invigorated and at peace.Already ten minutes make a difference when you apply yourself.
We create space in our mind and hearts as we connect with our own self and nature.
Frida Lezius
Senior Yoga Teacher YA,
Remedial Therapist, MAA & Wellness Coach +30 6934741108
Like me on face book: Body Nature Yoga
Frida has been living since May 2016 on Corfu. She is passionate about your health and Corfu’s nature. For more information on Yoga and Wellness contact Frida directly.